
In this section we discuss a variety of additional features:

  • auto, implicit, and default arguments;

  • literate programming; and

  • the universe hierarchy.

Implicit arguments

We have already seen implicit arguments, which allows arguments to be omitted when they can be inferred by the type checker [1], e.g.

index : forall a, n . Fin n -> Vect n a -> a

Auto implicit arguments

In other situations, it may be possible to infer arguments not by type checking but by searching the context for an appropriate value, or constructing a proof. For example, the following definition of head which requires a proof that the list is non-empty:

isCons : List a -> Bool
isCons [] = False
isCons (x :: xs) = True

head : (xs : List a) -> (isCons xs = True) -> a
head (x :: xs) _ = x

If the list is statically known to be non-empty, either because its value is known or because a proof already exists in the context, the proof can be constructed automatically. Auto implicit arguments allow this to happen silently. We define head as follows:

head : (xs : List a) -> {auto p : isCons xs = True} -> a
head (x :: xs) = x

The auto annotation on the implicit argument means that Idris will attempt to fill in the implicit argument by searching for a value of the appropriate type. In fact, internally, this is exactly how interface resolution works. It will try the following, in order:

  • Local variables, i.e. names bound in pattern matches or let bindings, with exactly the right type.

  • The constructors of the required type. If they have arguments, it will search recursively up to a maximum depth of 100.

  • Local variables with function types, searching recursively for the arguments.

  • Any function with the appropriate return type which is marked with the %hint annotation.

In the case that a proof is not found, it can be provided explicitly as normal:

head xs {p = ?headProof}

Default implicit arguments

Besides having Idris automatically find a value of a given type, sometimes we want to have an implicit argument with a specific default value. In Idris, we can do this using the default annotation. While this is primarily intended to assist in automatically constructing a proof where auto fails, or finds an unhelpful value, it might be easier to first consider a simpler case, not involving proofs.

If we want to compute the n’th fibonacci number (and defining the 0th fibonacci number as 0), we could write:

fibonacci : {default 0 lag : Nat} -> {default 1 lead : Nat} -> (n : Nat) -> Nat
fibonacci {lag} Z = lag
fibonacci {lag} {lead} (S n) = fibonacci {lag=lead} {lead=lag+lead} n

After this definition, fibonacci 5 is equivalent to fibonacci {lag=0} {lead=1} 5, and will return the 5th fibonacci number. Note that while this works, this is not the intended use of the default annotation. It is included here for illustrative purposes only. Usually, default is used to provide things like a custom proof search script.

Literate programming

Like Haskell, Idris supports literate programming. If a file has an extension of .lidr then it is assumed to be a literate file. In literate programs, everything is assumed to be a comment unless the line begins with a greater than sign >, for example:

> module literate

This is a comment. The main program is below

> main : IO ()
> main = putStrLn "Hello literate world!\n"

An additional restriction is that there must be a blank line between a program line (beginning with >) and a comment line (beginning with any other character).




Since values can appear in types and vice versa, it is natural that types themselves have types. For example:

*universe> :t Nat
Nat : Type
*universe> :t Vect
Vect : Nat -> Type -> Type

But what about the type of Type? If we ask Idris it reports:

*universe> :t Type
Type : Type 1

If Type were its own type, it would lead to an inconsistency due to Girard’s paradox, so internally there is a hierarchy of types (or universes):

Type : Type 1 : Type 2 : Type 3 : ...

Universes are cumulative, that is, if x : Type n we can also have that x : Type m, as long as n < m. The typechecker generates such universe constraints and reports an error if any inconsistencies are found. Ordinarily, a programmer does not need to worry about this, but it does prevent (contrived) programs such as the following:

myid : (a : Type) -> a -> a
myid _ x = x

idid :  (a : Type) -> a -> a
idid = myid _ myid

The application of myid to itself leads to a cycle in the universe hierarchy — myid’s first argument is a Type, which cannot be at a lower level than required if it is applied to itself.