Idris2 supports a number of pragmas (identifiable by the % prefix). Some pragmas change compiler behavior until the behavior is changed back using the same pragma while others apply to the following declaration. A small niche of pragmas apply directly to one or more arguments instead of the code following the pragma (like the %name pragma described below).
This page is a work in progress. If you know about a pragma that is not described yet, please consider submitting a pull request!
Global pragmas
Enable language extensions. Currently, the only extension is [1].
%language ElabReflection
Set the default totality requirement for functions, which can be one of total
, or partial
. The value is initially set to covering
unless the --total
command line switch is used, which sets it to total
The %builtin Natural
pragma converts recursive/unary representations of natural numbers
into primitive Integer
This pragma is explained in detail on its own page. For more, see Builtins.
Give the compiler some suggested names to use for a particular type when it is asked to generate names for values. You can specify any number of suggested names; they will be used in-order when more than one is needed for a single definition.
data Foo = X | Y
%name Foo foo,bar
Set how deep nested ambiguous names can be before Idris gives up. The default is 3, increashing this will effect compiler performance. For more details, see Ambiguous Name Resolution.
Set the number of matching constructors Idris will look under when checking totality. For instance Just xs is smaller than Just (x :: xs) if Idris looks under the matching constructor. The default value is 5. Increasing the value may slow down totality checking.
Set the search depth for auto
implicits. The default value is 50.
Change the logging level. See Logging for details.
%logging 1 %logging "elab" 5
Configure whether projection functions without a leading period are generated for records. It defaults
to on
. See Record elaboration for more details.
Replace a function at runtime with another implementation. It allows us to functions that are appropriate for type checking and have an efficient version at runtime. For example:
plus : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
plus Z y = y
plus (S x) y = S $ plus x y
%transform "plus" plus j k = integerToNat (natToInteger j + natToInteger j)
Configure whether implicit bindings are automatically added to function types for unbound lowercase names. It is on by default. See Unbound Implicits for more details.
Configure whether the compiler automatically adds delay
and force
necessary. It defaults to on
Set the expression search timeout in milliseconds. The default is 1000.
%search_timeout 1000
Set the maximum number of stuck applications allowed while unifying a meta. The default value is 25.
Codegen directives can be included in source code with the %cg
pragma. For example, instead of
using --directive
on the command line for the chez backend, you can write:
%cg chez
The %cg
pragma is followed by the name of a codegen and a directive for that codegen, terminated by
newline. Directives from imported modules, including transitive imports, will aggregate. All of the
directives given in the source are stored in the module, but only the directives for the current codegen
are used at link time.
How directives are treated in aggregate depends on the codegen and directive. For example, the
directive for the Chez codegen is deduplicated. And the javascript backend gives
the minimal
directive priority over the compact
directive if both are present.
See the section for each codegen under Compiling to Executables for available directives.
Pragmas on declarations
Mark the following definition as deprecated. Whenever the function is used, Idris will show a deprecation warning.
foo : String -> String
foo x = x ++ "!"
bar : String
bar = foo "hello"
Warning: Deprecation warning: is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
You can use code documentation (triple vertical bar ||| docs) to suggest a strategy for removing the deprecated function call and that documentation will be displayed alongside the warning.
||| Please use the @altFoo@ function from now on.
foo : String -> String
foo x = x ++ "!"
bar : String
bar = foo "hello"
Warning: Deprecation warning: is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Please use the @altFoo@ function from now on.
Instruct the compiler to inline the following definition when it is applied. It is generally best to let the compiler and the backend you are using optimise code based on its predetermined rules, but if you want to force a function to be inlined when it is called, this pragma will force it.
foo : String -> String
foo x = x ++ "!"
Instruct the compiler _not_ to inline the following definition when it is applied. It is generally best to let the compiler and the backend you are using optimise code based on its predetermined rules, but if you want to force a function to never be inlined when it is called, this pragma will force it.
foo : String -> String
foo x = x ++ "!"
Instruct the compiler to inline the function during totality checking.
Hide a definition from imports. This is particularly useful when you are re-definiing functions or types from a module but still need to import it.
module MyNat
%hide Prelude.Nat
%hide Prelude.S
%hide Prelude.Nat
data Nat = Z | S Nat
You can also hide fixity declarations if you need to redefine your own.
module MyNat
%hide Prelude.Ops.infixl.(+)
infixr 5 +
The %unhide
pragma unhides a definition that was previously hidden with %hide
Mark a function like believe_me
as being unsafe. The function will be semantically
highlighted in a different color to draw the user’s attention to its use.
Specialise a function according to a list of arguments.
%spec a
identity : List a -> List a
identity [] = []
identity (x :: xs) = x :: identity xs
Declare a foreign function. It is followed by an indented block of expressions that evaluate to strings. See FFI Overview for more details.
Adds an implementation to an existing %foreign
in another file. This pragma can
be used to fill in an implementation for another backend without changing the original
file. In the case of multiple declarations for a given backend, the backend will choose
the one from the most recently loaded module.
%foreign_impl Prelude.IO.prim__fork "javascript:lambda:(proc) => { throw new Error() }"
Export an Idris function to the underlying host language. The the name for each backend is
given in an indented block of string expressions, similar to %foreign
. Currently this
pragma is only supported by the javascript backend.
%export "javascript:addNat"
addNat : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
addNat a b = a + b
This pragma is deprecated. Instead use %export
to expose functions to the backend.
Mark a function to be used for auto
search (see auto-implicits and Interfaces and
Auto implicit arguments for more). Hints are used internally for instance
resolution and non-named instances are automatically tagged with %hint
Mark a hint to be tried when no other hints match.
A global hint is like a %hint
, but it is always tried, while %hint
is only tried if the return
type matches.
Declare a function to be externally implemented, but relies on codegen
to fill in the function rather than specifying the name. The function name must be explicitly
handled in the codegen. It is used for functions like prim__newIORef
in the prelude.
Mark a function that returns the Elab
monad as a macro. When the function is used in
an expression, it will be run at compile time and the invocation will be replaced by the
result of the elaboration.
The %start
pragma is not implemented.
This pragma is no longer used by the compiler.
These pragmas are used in the prelude, but aren’t typically used in user programs.
Specify the Equal type and rewrite function used by rewrite statements.
%rewrite Equal rewrite__impl
This directive is used in the prelude to tell auto implicit search what to use to look inside pairs.
%pair Pair fst snd
Define the function used to interpret literal integers. In the prelude, it is set
to fromInteger
, so a literal 2
is elaborated to fromInteger 2
%integerLit fromInteger
Define the function used to interpret literal strings. In the prelude, it is set
to fromString
, so a literal "idris"
is elaborated to fromString "idris"
%stringLit fromString
Define the function used to interpret literal characters. In the prelude, it is set
to fromChar
, so a literal `x``
is elaborated to fromChar 'x'
%charLit fromChar
Define the function used to interpret literal numbers with a decimal in them. In the prelude, it is set
to fromDouble
, so a literal `2.0``
is elaborated to fromDouble 2.0
%charLit fromDouble
Reflection Literals
Allow quoted expressions to be cast to a user defined type.
%TTImpLit fromTTImp
public export
data NatExpr : Type where
Plus : NatExpr -> NatExpr -> NatExpr
Mult : NatExpr -> NatExpr -> NatExpr
Val : Nat -> NatExpr
Var : String -> NatExpr
public export
natExpr : TTImp -> Elab NatExpr
natExpr `(~(l) + ~(r)) = [| Plus (natExpr l) (natExpr r) |]
natExpr `(~(l) * ~(r)) = [| Mult (natExpr l) (natExpr r) |]
natExpr `(fromInteger ~(IPrimVal _ (BI n))) = pure $ Val $ fromInteger n
natExpr (IVar _ (UN (Basic nm))) = pure $ Var nm
natExpr s = failAt (getFC s) "Invalid NatExpr"
fromTTImp : TTImp -> Elab NatExpr
fromTTImp = natExpr
natExprMacroTest : NatExpr
natExprMacroTest = `(1 + 2 + x)
Allow quoted declarations to be cast to user defined types.
Allow quoted names to be cast to user defined types.
Pragmas that occur inside expressions.
The %runElab
pragma can be used at the top level or as an expression. It takes an elaborator
script as an argument which runs in the Elab
monad, has access to Idris’ type-checking machinery,
and can generate code.
Ask Idris to fill in the value with auto-implicit search. See auto-implicits and Interfaces for more details.
The type of the world token used for IO. For more information, see World.
The world token used for IO. For more information, see World.
The %syntactic
pragma can appear after the with
keyword. It abstracts
over the value syntactically, rather than by value, and can significantly speed
up elaboration where large types are involved, at a cost of being less general.
Try it if “with” is slow.