Inductive Proofs

Before embarking on proving plus_commutes in Idris itself, let us consider the overall structure of a proof of some property of natural numbers. Recall that they are defined recursively, as follows:

data Nat : Type where
     Z : Nat
     S : Nat -> Nat

A total function over natural numbers must both terminate, and cover all possible inputs. Idris checks functions for totality by checking that all inputs are covered, and that all recursive calls are on structurally smaller values (so recursion will always reach a base case). Recalling plus:

plus : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
plus Z     m = m
plus (S k) m = S (plus k m)

This is total because it covers all possible inputs (the first argument can only be Z or S k for some k, and the second argument m covers all possible Nat) and in the recursive call, k is structurally smaller than S k so the first argument will always reach the base case Z in any sequence of recursive calls.

In some sense, this resembles a mathematical proof by induction (and this is no coincidence!). For some property P of a natural number x, we can show that P holds for all x if:

  • P holds for zero (the base case).

  • Assuming that P holds for k, we can show P also holds for S k (the inductive step).

In plus, the property we are trying to show is somewhat trivial (for all natural numbers x, there is a Nat which need not have any relation to x). However, it still takes the form of a base case and an inductive step. In the base case, we show that there is a Nat arising from plus n m when n = Z, and in the inductive step we show that there is a Nat arising when n = S k and we know we can get a Nat inductively from plus k m. We could even write a function capturing all such inductive definitions:

nat_induction :
    (prop : Nat -> Type) ->                -- Property to show
    (prop Z) ->                            -- Base case
    ((k : Nat) -> prop k -> prop (S k)) -> -- Inductive step
    (x : Nat) ->                           -- Show for all x
    prop x
nat_induction prop p_Z p_S Z = p_Z
nat_induction prop p_Z p_S (S k) = p_S k (nat_induction prop p_Z p_S k)

Using nat_induction, we can implement an equivalent inductive version of plus:

plus_ind : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
plus_ind n m
   = nat_induction (\x => Nat)
                   m                      -- Base case, plus_ind Z m
                   (\k, k_rec => S k_rec) -- Inductive step plus_ind (S k) m
                                          -- where k_rec = plus_ind k m

To prove that plus n m = plus m n for all natural numbers n and m, we can also use induction. Either we can fix m and perform induction on n, or vice versa. We can sketch an outline of a proof; performing induction on n, we have:

  • Property prop is \x => plus x m = plus m x.

  • Show that prop holds in the base case and inductive step:

    • Base case: prop Z, i.e.
      plus Z m = plus m Z, which reduces to
      m = plus m Z due to the definition of plus.
    • Inductive step: Inductively, we know that prop k holds for a specific, fixed k, i.e.
      plus k m = plus m k (the induction hypothesis). Given this, show prop (S k), i.e.
      plus (S k) m = plus m (S k), which reduces to
      S (plus k m) = plus m (S k). From the induction hypothesis, we can rewrite this to
      S (plus m k) = plus m (S k).

To complete the proof we therefore need to show that m = plus m Z for all natural numbers m, and that S (plus m k) = plus m (S k) for all natural numbers m and k. Each of these can also be proved by induction, this time on m.

We are now ready to embark on a proof of commutativity of plus formally in Idris.